Wednesday, March 14, 2012

2 (Witchcraft)

Witchcraft began at the end of the 15th century, but was never proven to be true. I have observed that the whole witchcraft phenomenon was a big cycle of untruthfulness. The sprouting of the idea was a little bit crazy and unrealistic which was the first sign of nonsense. Then when “witnesses” of the witches were being threatened and were forced to threaten to prosecute others, that was another example of untruth and unjustness. People were purely being used and blamed during Witchcraft. The accused witches were put in an uncomfortable position as well as the confused, indecisive citizens experiencing the craze. The people who claimed and instigated these hunts were crying and complaining children, nuns, and nearby neighbors. Those are the people who initiated the hunts however the spread of the hunts and the ideas were through text. That piece of information reveals that during the Witchcraft people could read, in fact reading and sharing texts was an efficient way to communicate and get reactions out of others. The witches were seen as representatives of the devil on earth, just like prophets were representatives of G-d on earth. The majority of the people who died during witchcraft were women and the target of this whole thing was women, though some men did die. People who were tortured and abused who did not confess but did survive were set free. And those who survived but did confess and give in were killed. Finally a trial took place and the believers of witchcraft ran the trials. Guilty people were obviously executed, and goal of the judges/leaders of the trial was to basically kill witches and exterminate all witches because they were part of the devil, and the devil was absolutely forbidden. I think it was unfair to have believers of witchcraft as the authority during the trials, because then lots of people die and are wrongfully accused. If there would some believers of witchcraft and some non-believers, than there could have been arguments and more discussed and accurate reasoning behind people’s beliefs and decisions. Plus, how could there even be “believers” in Witchcraft if there was no proof at all. But that leads to my question of how are there believers in any religion if there is no proof? People clearly convert to religions and believe in countless things without real and literal proof of G-d, or proof of traditions, or ancestors, or anything. I think too often in history people are wrongfully accused, blindly obedient, and simply used.

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