Fairness Vs. Justice
By definition, fairness means a state or condition free from bias and injustice. Fairness is the opposite of injustice. And by definition justice means righteousness and morality. Where do the two intersect, and where do they not overlap? I believe fairness and justice are almost interchangeable, however they do have slightly different meanings. What is the difference between something that is fair and something that is just?
Example 1, Socrates: I think that it was fair for Socrates to escape jail, and it was also just. It was fair because he did not deserve to be in jail in the first place, and he was not truly guilty of the accused crimes. It both fair and just of him to disregard the wrong opinions of others, because if something is simply incorrect, than it is fair and acceptable to ignore. It was fair for him to escape because if he escaped and was let back out into society, he would benefit the mass, the majority. He would educate people and be placed back where it was fair for him to be.
Example 2, Taxes: (I know/recognize you used this example in class, but I am going to elaborate) Lets say Justin makes 1 million dollars a year and I make 100 dollars a year, it would be sort of fair to give us the same taxes, but certainly not just. Law plays a role in fairness and justice, and so do moral principles and consequences. It would be fair because the person who makes 1 million dollars obviously deserves that much money, is working for that money, and has basically earned the opportunity and privilege to have that money. Whereas the person making 100 dollars is not as lucky and does not have as good of an occupation. It is not very just to place them with the same taxes because while the poor person is getting poorer, the rich person is not negatively affected. The poor person needs to work basically day by day and is living on the thread, while the rich person takes money out of his pocket to pay the taxes and is not harmed. It would be more just for the struggling person to pay less taxes and the rich person to pay more taxes.
Example 3, Westboro Baptist Church: I personally do not think it is fair or just for this protesting group to be able to protest. It might be legal, (even though I strongly don't think it should be) but it is not fair or just. If they are loudly, obnoxiously, and ignorantly, and everything negatively protesting at a funeral, it is not fair or just. It is not fair to the emotional and serious people at the funeral, and it is not morally or righteously acceptable. Even though we have the right to free speech, and even though it is an opinion, it is so clear that what they are protesting, enforcing, and doing is rude and unnecessary so the government should enforce certain rules regarding protesting and where it can be done, and consider more of what is fair rather than simply what is the pure law.
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