Tuesday, November 1, 2011

second 5 sources


Collie, Tim. 'Silent emergency': Population, poverty ravage Haitian ecology. McClathy-Tribune News Service, Washington; December 14, 2004. Date accessed: November 1, 2011.

In this article is written how alarming the situation in Haiti was a few years ago, and how it is still that way today. It provides some statistics referring to the country as a whole, and the death toll, and the population. Lastly, the reason for some of Haiti’s disorganization and struggle is related to their relationship with the environment.


“A greater percentage of Haitians live in poverty than citizens of the war-ravaged Congo.”

“…The lack of trees and all. We're always at the mercy of the floods."

Secondary, article

The Guardian, page 22. After the quake Haiti population on the rebound, June 30, 2010. Date accessed: November 1, 2011.

The population is shifted, the economy is shifted, the government is shifted; who is there to blame? Around 230,000 casualties occurred in this 7.0 earthquake, and Haiti as well as other countries will work to rebuild the pride in Haiti.


Deckelbaum, D. L., M.D. (2010). The Haiti earthquake: A personal perspective. Canadian Medical Association.Journal, 182(5), E241-E241-2. Date accessed: November 1, 2011.

The deaths and the sicknesses contributed to the poverty because of the money used to pay for surgery and hospitalization and for the deaths.


Helping the people of Haiti. 2010. Irish Times, Jan 18, 2010. Date accessed: November 1, 2011

Retrieved from:

“Madam - The terrible natural disaster that has befallen the people of Haiti should not blind us to the fact that many of the deaths were avoidable and many Haitians died simply from the effects of poverty.”

Primary- article and pictures

Costello, Emily. 2004. Fighting hunger in HAITI. Scholastic Action. May 10. Date accessed: November 1, 2011.

This connects hunger and poverty as one big, interconnected issue.

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