Tuesday, December 13, 2011

blog 1 (12-13-11)

Legitamecy vs Legalism:

Legitamecy is ultimately the reasons for someone to rule. It does not have to be justified reasons, but the people need to accept those reasons. Legitimacy is determined by the level in which you are a good person. In most cases, people will listen to a leader because they agree with their morals and their ideas. But legiatemcy just refers to the ability for a ruler to make his people accept him, and follow him. That’s where the difference between a good leader and efficient leader comes into play as well. A good leader might have morally acceptable and admirable reasons for ruling, but an efficient leader makes sure his people accept what he believes- he gets them on their side. Legalism is stricter than legitamecy and people must abide by the rules in legalism or else there will be consequences and punishments. The leaders promise to keep their followers safe and provide for them, as long as they support and respect the authority. Personally, I feel like legalism is more of a typical way of life than legitimacy. Legitimacy is like the road less traveled, and the route that takes a critical thinker and caring leader. Legalism seems to be more of a rule based system, and legitamecy seems to be more based on reasons and acceptance. Why do people listen to leaders? What expectations are placed on citizens based off of the leaders? There is a difference between the way people act under legalism and under legitimacy. With legitimacy the people might base their evaluations and accepatance of leaders based off reasons for leading. Whereas in legalism, people simply follow rules because that is what they expected to do, and they do not question those rules because they know there will be severe punishments. People vote for leaeders for the reasons they want to rule, in other words people vote for a president because that president wants to lead and they want to make change. Citizens also listen to leaders for more basic reasons, such as because they do not want to go to jail, which would be a consequence to not abiding by laws. There are similarities and differences between legalism and legitimacy, but overall legitimacy is influenced on reasons for leading and legalism is based on what is legal and what are the rules.

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