Wednesday, October 5, 2011


What responsibility did the rest of the world have on this whole issue regarding Haiti and the earthquake? George Bush was president of the United States at the time, but what rights did he have to contribute to the situation? He was the president of a different country all together, not of Haiti, therefore his views were controversial. Some said that any help at all no matter from whom was useful and others said that it was not his business. Various countries such as the Dominican republic were truly trying to help the people of Haiti, and they allowed for them to temporarily cross and settle across the border into the Dominican Republic. The United States and many other countries started funds and organization in which they raised millions, rather billions of dollars to help Haiti. It was/is also common sense to help those people whose hearts were torn apart from deaths of families, or destruction of houses, and all the traumas of the earth quake. If this was a political or economic issue, would the international affairs and interactions have been completely different? I think that this is just as complex, if not as difficult, than more difficult because the number of deaths combined with the number of decisions needed to be made was simply overwhelming. The land and the mind sets of the people could never be the same again, and that is a tough fact to deal with. Could the other countries have done anything sooner or to prevent this tragedy? Once they knew the earth quake was going to hit, the nearby countries could have helped take in people or donated some resources. Haiti was able to survive both mentally and environmentally with the help of outside countries. Haiti initially relied on the support of government because they were the authority- the leaders. The citizens of Haiti were eventually required to believe in the government if they wanted to make any progress. One easy way to assure people have faith in government is to show that citizens have a voice. When people did not want to turn to other people for support, they turned to singing, dancing, art, the idea of community, and the beauty of life. Foreign communications and assistance was essential in rebuilding Haiti and its' people.

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