Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Given that thousands of people died, how did the idea of community play a role in rebuilding a sustainable living environment in Haiti? Because of the earthquake and the environmental impacts, people needed to resource to something. Moreover the deaths and the destruction of people's homes was very devastating.  To help the country as a whole, the idea of a community came through. When they lost their optimistic lens, they turned to the people around them for support and confidence. The idea of community helped when it came to rebuilding houses, rebuilding neighborhood monuments, sharing necessities, and overall helping one another. Not only communities within Haiti, but throughout the rest of the world as well. The entire world is one big community, so what role did other countries have? I think that the rest of the world should definitely have a responsibility to help Haiti. Just because something does not happen to you personally, does not mean you can't help. It would be a different situation if it was a political issue and they did not want other countries involved. However here anyone could help, and all that help was needed, and there was no debate about that. Given that thousands of people died, and the earthquake distrubed the lives of so many people, the idea of community seemed to play a role in the rebuilding of the country and its' spirits.

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